Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Coke and Honest Tea

X= sales we could’ve gotten onour own without help\

For sales up to x, you should pay the market multiple

For sales above x, you should pay ½ the market multiple

What is the value Coke brings?
-create sales, more than what we could’ve done on our own
-get rewarded for the value we create and the extent that the 2 of us come together

How much could you do without our help
2 points:  
-Coca Cola provides us data on a lot of other deals to see an appropriate market multiple
-provide Coke with how some-store sales were increasing

What were the new markets for honest tea?

Do we really want to pay more for the sales we made possible?

Counter:  without our product, your help wouldn’t have had something to create more sales; what we should do is too split those  sales.  In 3 years to purchase


Coke:  40 billion
Honest Tea: 20 million

Proportions:   2,000: 1

Honest tea: 4,000
Coca Cola: 7.99million

19 cents/bottle vs 11 cents/bottle

8 cents/bottle savings X 100 million =  $8 million/year saved


$7 million Coke  to $1 million Honest Tea split?


4 million Coke  & 4 million Honest Tea

@ most big companies there is 1 central group that does all the purchasing and the operating units are changed an annual fee to cover the overhead costs of the purchasing group.

2007 Marius Copper   bhp billion   → Rio Tinton
170 Billion  +  100 Billion
3.7 billion/year in value creation
How do you divide it?

View 1: proportion to market caps

bhp :  170B       Rio Tinton:  100B

View 2:  divide 50/50
                       1.850 Billion   &    1.85 Billion

Bhp billiton             +            Rio Tinton
    56%                                       44%   + 45 billion premium

Merger denied for anti-trust reasons

  • How do we share 3.7 billion dollars a year.

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