Friday, January 6, 2017

Analysis of Negotiation

1) What's your BATNA? 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Coke and Honest Tea

X= sales we could’ve gotten onour own without help\

For sales up to x, you should pay the market multiple

For sales above x, you should pay ½ the market multiple

What is the value Coke brings?
-create sales, more than what we could’ve done on our own
-get rewarded for the value we create and the extent that the 2 of us come together

How much could you do without our help
2 points:  
-Coca Cola provides us data on a lot of other deals to see an appropriate market multiple
-provide Coke with how some-store sales were increasing

What were the new markets for honest tea?

Do we really want to pay more for the sales we made possible?

Counter:  without our product, your help wouldn’t have had something to create more sales; what we should do is too split those  sales.  In 3 years to purchase


Coke:  40 billion
Honest Tea: 20 million

Proportions:   2,000: 1

Honest tea: 4,000
Coca Cola: 7.99million

19 cents/bottle vs 11 cents/bottle

8 cents/bottle savings X 100 million =  $8 million/year saved


$7 million Coke  to $1 million Honest Tea split?


4 million Coke  & 4 million Honest Tea

@ most big companies there is 1 central group that does all the purchasing and the operating units are changed an annual fee to cover the overhead costs of the purchasing group.

2007 Marius Copper   bhp billion   → Rio Tinton
170 Billion  +  100 Billion
3.7 billion/year in value creation
How do you divide it?

View 1: proportion to market caps

bhp :  170B       Rio Tinton:  100B

View 2:  divide 50/50
                       1.850 Billion   &    1.85 Billion

Bhp billiton             +            Rio Tinton
    56%                                       44%   + 45 billion premium

Merger denied for anti-trust reasons

  • How do we share 3.7 billion dollars a year.

Triangle Route/Ultimatum

Triangle Route (SF - H - NY)  $2,818

Triangle Rule (SF - H - NY) =  $2,818
    Savings of pie is 1,000
Round trips (SF - H) + (SF - NY) = $3818

Pie =>  save $1,000


NY ultimatum to Houston   ->  HST pays $1332 value
   ->  Should HST says Yes to 1K, 1.1K, 1.2k, 1.3k???
   ->  HST <=$1331

Ability to make an ultimatum gives you power
   -NY shouldn’t be so greedy
   -NY → 99.9% of pie
   -only cost HST $1  and to cost NY $999


What NY should do?  Offer H $333 keep $667
   -big enough incentive

YES: pay $999   NO: pay $1,332

Version 2:  

Experiment offers 2 subjects a $100 if the 2 agree on how to divide it up

One side makes a proposal and the other side say yes/no?
I.e. 90/10 split

            Receiver says yes then she gets $10
            While proposer gets $90
    If they say no they both get 0
    Most people reject offers to small

Game as proposer
      2nd smallest be you’d be willing to accept as the receiver.

To put yourself in power of a negotiation is to put yourself in yourself in the place of making ultimatum
  • Use with discretions
  • No lopsided ultimatums
  • Ultimatums are crutches in which people overuse
  • Otherside will reject your ultimatum though it hurts them
  • If it’s a real ultimatum you can’t back out.
When someone uses an ultimatum the best strategy is to push back and demonstrate that the ultimatum isn’t real or to recast it.

Avoid ultimatums with Salaries
  • If you don’t give me 65K I won’t come to work for you
  • If you offer me 65K,  I promise to come work for you

Firms shouldn’t make ultimatums
  • 40s - 50s Lemuel Boulware a VP @ GE
  • Few people believe 1st offer is your limit

Instransigent: completely unwilling to change, very stubborn
Discretion: speaking to avoid causing offense or revealing private info.

Never Say No

Never Say No!

If daughter joins the Math team…. What was her counter offer?
  •    Benefit: Get a dog
  •    Joined Math team
  1. Think beyond immediate needs, think future
  2. Never say no, let other side say no to you
    1. Make an offer that the other side would reject that you’d be happy to take
Want to quit job,
     Come up with package to entice you to stay
     Let the firm say no to you
     On the other hand you were going to leave, but they may say YES

Adam McKay: prepared to quit, what would it take to stay at SNL?
       Come up with unreasonable demands
  • Never going to another production meeting
  • Budget for short films
     Lorne Michael (executive producer) said yes to all 5 of his demands

Came up with Funny or Die site which created Talladega Nights, Anchorman, and Step Brothers

*MORAL:  Don’t say no, let others say no to you
    Think about what it’d take for you to say yes, and make that the counter proposal

NY to Seoul:  instead proposed price to take the trip

       12 hours ahead, if you there for dinner no jet lag